Our team is growing and we are happy to announce the new Flourishers that joined our mission of empowering people to build positive money habits and helping financial institutions build stronger digital relationships with their customers. Guilherme Barreto, Yasmin Graeml and Zaan Pirani are now officially part of the Flourish team.

Guilherme Barreto — Customer Success & Enablement

Guilherme Barreto joined Flourish in a Customer Success & Enablement role. Guilherme has a degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of Pernambuco and has been working in customer-facing roles for the past six years at Liferay and KnowBe4. Before that, he led a software development team at Accenture and was an entrepreneur at Eventick and Code Media. Guilherme is based in Brazil.

“Joining Flourish is a perfect match for me: I am realizing an old dream, working again in the “startup world.” Also, I get to work in a team that really focuses on building tech solutions to hep people in LATAM (including Brazil, my country) to learn healthy financial habits and how to better manage their finances”

Yasmin Graeml — Communication and Content

Yasmin Graeml joined in the Communications and Content role. Yasmin graduated in journalism at PUCPR in Brazil with a minor in Journalism at the Digital Age at UC Berkeley. She previously worked as a reporter publishing in Brazilian and American newspapers as well as a blogger and a podcast producer. Yasmin is also based in Brazil.

“Good financial habits are the key to a healthy life. Flourish has an amazing mission and I believe in the power of content to spread it around. I am excited to learn more about the financial ecosystem and be challenged to create assertive communication plans as part of the growing process of the startup”.

Zaan Pirani — “Strategy and Growth

Zaan Pirani joined us in the Strategy and Growth role. Zaan graduated with a degree in finance from the University of Illinois and did part of his studies at Manchester Business School in England. He previously led innovation efforts at Commonwealth where he helped develop novel solutions for financially vulnerable individuals. Before this, he focused on strategic finance initiatives at Enova International and AbbVie. As part of his personal mission, he spent a couple of months teaching English, Math, and Financial Literacy to 10th grade students across Central Asia in Kyrgyzstan. At the moment Zaan is based in Medellin, Colombia.

“I am excited and expecting to learn about the fintech innovation ecosystem in Latin America, how inclusive tech can be built to promote healthy financial lives and habits, and how to create long-lasting, impactful, and meaningful relationships with forward thinking financial organizations with goals of changing the financial landscape for all!”

We are happy to have new members at Flourish! Bem vindos, ¡bienvenidos!, and welcome to the team!